项目名称: 面向医疗的三维视频采集与编码技术研究
项目编号: No.61272255
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 张楠
作者单位: 首都医科大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 面向医疗的三维可视化技术已成为21世纪医学工程领域的研究热点,三维医疗视频通过深度感知提供了全方位、立体化的视觉效果,为我国医疗资源分布不均导致的医患问题以及医学生缺乏临床实践病例问题提供新的解决方案。本项目以基于HEVC的三维视频编码框架为基础,针对医疗视频拍摄距离短、遮挡严重、重建三维视频要求精度高、各组织器官纹理差异大、受出血影响大等特点,提出空间二维度采集与多视点加深度的编码框架,通过飞行时间激光测距技术与立体匹配算法的融合,研究高质量深度图的生成;通过先验的多视点间仿射系数的拟合,对纹理视频的视间预测提供新的运动矢量预测;依据深度视频中前景、背景线索,自适应调整纹理视频的QP模型,提出深度与纹理视频的联合编码;通过视间遮挡补偿的DIBR技术,生成任意视点的高清视频。本项目将为我国三维医疗视频编码技术的研发及其在远程医疗与医学教育中的应用起到积极的推动作用。
中文关键词: 三维医学视频;视频编码;虚拟视点合成;远程医疗;
英文摘要: The research and development of three-dimensional (3D) visualization technology used in telemedicine has become a hot field of medical engineering in the 21st century. 3D medical video provides a comprehensive, 3D depth perception visual effects. This research provides a new solution to the problems of physician-patient brought by the uneven distribution of medical resources in China and lack of clinical practice cases for medical teaching. This project propose a HEVC-based 3D video coding framework. It aims to tackle the problems of short shooting distance, serious blocking, high precision requirement of reconstructed 3D video, large texture differences among organs or tissues, great impact of bleeding in medical. The proposed framework uses spatially two dimensional video capture and multiview plus depth information coding. By the combination of Time-of-Flight laser ranging techniques and stereo matching algorithm, to study the depth information generation. By fitting the priori affine coefficients, to provide a new motion vector prediction for the texture information prediction between the view points. According to the clues of prospects and backgrounds in depth sequence,a jointly depth and texture video coding scheme with an adaptively QP adjustment technique is proposed. By the DIBR technology of interview
英文关键词: Three dimensional medicine video;Video coding;Virtual view synthesis;Telemedicine;