Annual Lecture on Exile in Comparative Literature and the Arts
全文截稿: 2017-12-17
开会时间: 2018-07-12
会议难度: ★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Constanta, Romania
The 1st Annual Lecture on Exile Comparative Literature and the Arts commemorates the two millennia since the death of exiled poet Ovid here in the ancient city of Tomis.
The lecture also includes plenary sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions, and other events.
ALECLA 2018 will be preceded by AKECH 2018 and by Constanta Literature and the Arts Festival, CLAFest 2018, which will take place between July 9 and July 11.
Objective: The objective of the conference is to create dialogues exceeding the boundaries of the literary, artistic and philosophical matrix. It aims to bring together scholars and opinion leaders from different disciplines and interests, providing an opportunity for the exchange of new ideas, cross-disciplinary exploration and cross-cultural research. Therefore, disciplines and perspectives are not limited.