Quickstart tutorial. From the scipy
docs. Short, but good starting point. Ref
Introduction to NumPy. A nice whole chapter on numpy
by Jake VanderPlas. Ref
Introduction to Numpy. A really nice quick tour as an appendix to a deep learning book by Sebastian Raschka Ref and as a Notebook
Numerical Scientific Computing. Quick tour with exercises by Micheleen Harris. Notebook
NumPy Practice. With some nice notes on Linear Algebra operations in numpy
by Tirthajyoti Sarkar. Notebook
Stanford comprehensive Linear Algebra review document by Zico Kolter. Ref
Linear Algebra Review (Andrew Ng).
Matrices and Vectors. Video
Addition And Scalar Multiplication. Video
Matrix Vector Multiplication. Video
Matrix-Matrix Multiplication. Video
Matrix Multiplication Properties. Video
Inverse And Transpose. Video
Linear Algebra youtube channel by Khan Academy Videos
Coding the Matrix. Book
Exercise: Follow along with these courses by doing things concurrently in numpy
There are likely many more great resources out there so feel free to create an issue on this GitHub repo letting me know about yours or others.