
2017 年 12 月 31 日 黑龙江大学自然语言处理实验室 AI科技大本营


2017年马上就要过去了,这一年你的收获怎么样?在学习的过程中,独自学习与向别人学习同样重要,其中通过各种会议了解AI行业研究成果是个不错的提高自己的方法。对于专注于机器学习的伙伴来说,2018年有哪些值得关注的会议呢?以下内容来源于Alex Kistenev的总结,建议收藏!





11–13 Jan, Data Science & Management of Data (CoDS-COMAD). Goa, India.
16–18 Jan, International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART). Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
18 Jan, Alternative Data Conference. New York, USA.
17–19 Jan, Global Artificial Intelligence Conference. Santa Clara, USA.
17–19 Jan, AI NEXTCon. Seattle, USA.
18–19 Jan, AI in Healthcare Summit. Boston, USA.
19–21 Jan, International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CCEAI). Boracay, Philippines.
23 Jan, Women in Machine Intelligence Dinner. San Francisco, USA.
25 Jan, Beyond Machine’s Deep Learning Bootcamp. Berlin, Germany.
25–26 Jan, AI Assistant Summit San Francisco. San Francisco, USA.
25–26 Jan, Deep Learning Summit San Francisco. San Francisco, USA.
25–26 Jan, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 101. Chicago, USA.
25–26 Jan, AI on a Social Mission Conference. Montreal, Canada.
27 Jan, Data Day Texas. Austin, USA.
27–30 Jan, Applied Machine Learning Days. Lausanne, Switzerland.
28–29 Jan, International conference on Computers, Data Management and Technology Applications (ICCDMTA). Cairo, Egypt.
30–31 Jan, The AI Congress London. London, UK.
31 Jan, Chatbot Summit. Tel Aviv, Israel.
31 Jan — 1 Feb, Age of AI. San Francisco, USA.
31 Jan — 3 Feb, rstudio::conf 2018. San Diego, USA.


2–7 Feb, AAAI Conference. New Orleans, USA.
3–8 Feb, Developer Week. San Francisco, USA.
5–6 Feb, Artificial Intelligence Dev Conference at DeveloperWeek. Oakland, USA.
5–6 Feb, Conversational Interaction Conference. San Jose, USA.
5–7 Feb, Applied AI Summit. London, UK.
6–7 Feb, Predictive Analytics Innovation Summit. San Diego, USA.
6–8 Feb, Chief Data & Analytics Officer Winter. Miami, USA.
7–8 Feb, Big Data & Analytics Summit Canada. Toronto, Canada.
8 Feb, AI Evolution. New York, NY, USA.
8–9 Feb, DataScience Salon Miami. Miami, USA.
14–17 Feb, International Research Conference Robophilosophy. Vienna, Austria.
20 Feb, Women in AI Dinner London. London, UK.
22 Feb, Bottish. Online.
22 Feb, AI Inside Summit. Vienna, Austria.
26–28 Feb, International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC). Macau, China.
27 Feb, AI 4 Business. Lint, Belgium.
27–28 Feb, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit. Sydney, Australia.


5–6 Mar, European Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit. London, UK.
5–8 Mar,ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). Chicago, USA.
5–8 Mar, O’Reilly Strata Data Conference. San Jose, USA.
5–8 Mar, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit. Grapevine, USA.
7–8 Mar, Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit. Singapore.
7–8 Mar, AI and Sentiment Analysis in Finance. Hong Kong.
7–11 Mar, ACM IUI. Tokyo, Japan.
8 Mar, The Conversational Interface Conference. London, UK
12–14 Mar, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). Lake Tahoe, USA.
13–14 Mar, Sentiment Analysis Bangalore 2018. Bangalore, India.
15–16 Mar, AI Assistant Summit London. London, UK.
15–16 Mar, Deep Learning in Retail & Advertising Summit London. London, UK.
15–16 Mar, Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit. Melbourne, Australia.
15–16 Mar, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 101. Boston, USA.
18–21 Mar, Shoptalk. Las Vegas, USA.
19–21 Mar, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit. London, UK.
19–22 Mar, IBM Think. Las Vegas, USA.
20 Mar, The AI Customer Summit. London, UK.
20–21 Mar, AI & Robotics: Compliance, Liability & Risk Management. San Francisco, USA.
20–22 Mar, Analytics and Data Summit. Redwood Shores, USA.
22 Mar, Data Innovation Summit. Stockholm, Sweden.
22 Mar, Innovation Summit 2018 America. Chicago, USA.
22 Mar, AI & Robotics Director’s Forum. London, UK.
23–25 Mar, Machine Learning Prague 2018. Prague, Czech Republic.
26–29 Mar, GPU Technology Conference. Silicon Valley, USA.
26–27 Mar, EmTech Digital 2018. San Francisco, USA.
29–31 Mar, International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI). Xiamen, China.


5–6 Apr,  Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC). Singapore.
8–11 Apr, AnacondaCON 2018. Austin, TX, USA.
9–11 Apr,  International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS). Lanzarote, Canary Islands.
9–11 Apr, SpeechTEK. Washington, USA.
10–13 Apr, O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference Beijing. Beijing, China
12 Apr, Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference. San Francisco, USA.
12 Apr, AI World Forum. San Francisco, USA.
15–20 Apr,  ICASSP 2018. Calgary, Canada.
16–17 Apr, Artificial Intelligence. Las Vegas, USA.
16–17 Apr, Automation and Robotics. Las Vegas, USA.
17–19 Apr, Monage. Mountain View, USA.
18–19 Apr, AI Expo Global. London, UK.
18–19 Apr, Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit. Hong Kong.
19 Apr, AI Conference Moscow. Moscow, Russia.
19–20 Apr, Big Data Innovation Summit. San Francisco, USA.
22–27 Apr, Enterprise Data World (EDW). San Diego, USA.
23–25 Apr, RPA & AI Summit. Copenhagen, Denmark.
23–27 Apr, The Web Conference. Lyon, France.
24–28 Apr, IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft). Livorno, Italy.
25–27 Apr, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. Bruges, Belgium.
26–27 Apr, Big Data & AI Leaders Summit. Sydney, Australia.
29 Apr — 2 May, O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference New York. New York, USA.
30 Apr — 3 May,  International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). Vancouver, Canada.
30 Apr — 3 May, TalkRobot. New Orleans, USA.


1–2 May, F8 — Facebook Developer Conference. San Diego, USA.
1–4 May, Accelerate AI: Open Data Science Conference East. Boston, USA
3–4 May, AI Congress Vegas. Las Vegas, USA.
3–4 May, The Data Science Conference. Chicago, USA.
3–5 May, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM18). San Diego, USA.
8 May, Prepare.ai Conference. St. Lous, USA.
9–10 May, Train AI. San Francisco, USA.
9–10 May, Machine Learning Innovation Summit. San Francisco, USA.
15–17 May, Business of Bots 2018. San Francisco, USA.
16–18 May, Colombian Conference on Applications in Computational Intelligence (ColCACI). Medellin, Columbia.
16–19 May, IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR). Brisbane, Australia.
17 May, Rise of AI Conference 2018. Berlin, Germany.
20–24 May, Data Disrupt. New York, USA.
21–25 May, The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Brisbane, Australia.
21–24 May, O’Reilly Strata Data Conference London. London, UK.
21–24 May, Chief Analytics Officer — Spring. San Francisco, USA.
22–23 May, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit. São Paulo, Brazil.
23–24 May, LDV Vision Summit. New York, USA.
24–25 May, Deep Learning Summit Boston. Boston, USA.
31 May — 1 Jun, dotAI. Paris, France.


1–6 Jun, Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL). New Orleans, USA.
3–6 Jun,  Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD). Melbourne, Australia.
3–7 Jun, Predictive Analytics World Las Vegas. Las Vegas, USA.
4 Jun, Data Science Salon New York. New York, USA.
5–6 Jun, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit. Mumbai, India.
6–7 Jun, Machine Intelligence Summit Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
11–12 Jun, CogX London 2018: Festival of All Things AI. London, UK.
12–13 Jun, AI Toronto. Toronto, Canada.
12–13 Jun, Predictive analytics World Industry 4.0. Munich, Germany.
12–14 Jun, AI Summit London. London, UK.
14–15 Jun, AI & Machine Learning for Clinical Trial and R&D Advancements. Philadelphia, USA.
14–15 Jun, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit. Tokyo, Japan.
14–19 Jun, International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM). New York, USA.
18–23 Jun, CVPR 2018. Salt Lake City, USA.
20–21 Jun, Conference on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining. Rome, Italy.
20–22 Jun, Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI). Toledo, Spain.
24–29 Jun,  International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). Delft, The Netherlands.
25–28 Jun, International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE). Montreal, Canada.
26–29 Jun, International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR). Delft, The Netherlands.
26–30 Jun, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS). Pittsburgh, USA.
27–28 Jun, AI, Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis Applied to Finance. London, UK.
28 Jun, AI for CxOs Dinner San Francisco. San Francisco, USA.
29 Jun, The 4th Research and Applied AI Summit. London, UK.
TBA Jun, ML Conference. Munich, Germany.


1 Jul, AI+Talk at SVIEF. Santa Clara, USA.
5–8 Jul,  The Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP). Zurich, Switzerland.
5–9 Jul, COLT 2018. Stockholm, Sweden.
8–12 Jul, Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR). Detroit, USA.
9–11 Jul, Applied AI Summit. London, UK.
10–11 Jul, Mobile Beat. San Francisco, USA.
10–12 Jul, Computing Conference. London, UK.
10–15 Jul, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). Stockholm, Sweden.
10–15 Jul, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS). Stockholm, Sweden.
11–15 Jul,  Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). New York, USA.
13–19 Jul,  International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI). Stockholm, Sweden.
14–19 Jul,  International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM). New York, USA.
15–20 Jul,  Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Melbourne, Australia.
19–21 Jul, Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence. Rome, Italy.
23–24 Jul, International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). Istanbul, Turkey.
31 Jul — 1 Aug, AI Summit Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
TBA Jul, Anthill Inside. Bangalore, India.


12–16 Aug, SIGGRAPH 2018. Vancouver, Canada.
19–23 Aug,  KDD 2018. London, UK.
20–24 Aug,  IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Munich, Germany.
20–24 Aug, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Beijing, China.
20–25 Aug, International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). Santa Fe, USA.
21–22 Aug, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & IoT. Paris, France.
30–31 Aug, Computer science, Machine Learning and Big data analytics conference. Dubai, UAE.


2–6 Sep,  Interspeech 2018. Hyderabad, India.
3–6 Sep,  British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
4–7 Sep, O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference San Francisco. San Francisco, USA.
6–7 Sep, Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys). London, UK.
8–14 Sep, European Conference of Computer Vision (ECCV). Munich, Germany.
9–12 Sep, International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA). Poznan, Poland.
10–11 Sep, Robots and Deep Learning. Singapore.
11–12 Sep, Big Data Innovation Summit. Boston, USA.
11–14 Sep, O’Reilly Strata Data Conference New York. New York, USA.
17–18 Sep, International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (ICHRI). Rome, Italy.
17–18 Sep, 2nd Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit. San Francisco, USA.
18–20 Sept, International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI). Seville, Spain.
18–20 Sep, AI Summit San Francisco. San Francisco, USA.
19–21 Sep, International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA). Seville, Spain.
20–21 Sep, Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit London. London, UK.
23–25 Sep, Auto AI. Berlin, Germany.
27–29 Sep, IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO). Genova, Italy.


1–2 Oct, AI Expo Europe. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1–5 Oct, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Madrid, Spain.
3–4 Oct, MACHINA Summit. London, UK.
5 Oct, BCS Machine Intelligence competition. London, UK.
8–11 Oct, O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference London. London, UK.
10–11 Oct, World Summit AI. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
15–17 Oct, Minds Mastering Machines [m3]. London, UK.
17–18 Oct, Nordic Data Science and Machine Learning Summit. Stockholm, Sweden.
17–18 Oct, Predictive Analytics World London. London, UK.
21–24 Oct, AI Deep Dive at Money 2020. Las Vegas, USA.
22–26 Oct, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CKIM). Turin, Italy.
23 Oct, Women in AI Dinner Toronto. Toronto, Canada.
23–24 Oct, VB Summit. Berkeley, USA.
24–25 Oct, Predictive Analytics Innovation Summit. Chicago, USA.
25–26 Oct, Deep Learning Summit Toronto. Toronto, Canada.
31 Oct — 04 Nov, Open Data Science Conference West. San Francisco, USA.


1–2 Nov, Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit. London, UK.
5–8 Nov, TalkRobot at Web Summit. Lisbon, Portugal.
13–14 Nov, Predictive Analytics World Berlin. Berlin, Germany.
13–15 Nov, AI Summit Cape Town. Cape Town, South Africa.
14–16 Nov, Big Data Spain. Madrid, Spain.
15–16 Nov, Future Technologies Conference 2018. Vancouver, Canada.
21–22 Nov, Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit. Beijing, China.
28–29 Nov, AI Expo North America. Santa Clara, USA.
29–30 Nov, AI Expo North America. Santa Clara, USA.
TBA Nov, AI & Robotics Main Event. London, UK.


3–8 Dec, NIPS. Montréal, Canada.
7 Dec, Machine Learning Innovation Summit. Dublin, Ireland.





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