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From Educational Process to Educational Culture:Centennial Retrospect of Jerome Seymour Bruner
ZHENG Xudong1, CHEN Rong2
(1.School of Educational Information Technology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan Hubei 430079;2.National Engineering Research Center for e-Learning, Central China Normal University, Wuhan Hubei 430079)
[Abstract] Through literature research, this paper takes "opening, developing, changing and concluding" as the key words to interpret Bruner's understanding of education guided by "educational process" and "educational culture" as well as the history and logic led by "cognitive turn" and "cultural turn" in psychological research. This paper also reveals how Bruner has developed into an educator from a pure cognitive psychologist, who has tried to establish a bridge of equal conversation between pedagogy and psychology in educational research, explores the essence of education in the context of social history and culture based on his deep understanding of the concept of "culture", and examines the internal logic of the evolution of the relationship between pedagogy and psychology in the 20th century. It is found that pedagogy gradually gets rid of its dependence on psychology after realizing its scientific nature with the help of psychology, restores its subject status, and attempts to fuse these two different cultures of "science" and "humanity", and consequently, promotes the emergence of a new branch of educational research.
[Keywords] Jerome Seymour Bruner;Centennial Retrospect;Educational Process;Educational Culture;Opening,Developing, Changing and Concluding