
2017 年 9 月 7 日 Call4Papers Call4Papers

Computers & Security

Celebrating Anniversaries of CERIAS/COAST At Purdue University

全文截稿: 2017-10-01
影响因子: 2.849
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: B类
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-security
2017 marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the COAST Laboratory at Purdue University, and 2018 is the 20th anniversary of CERIAS. These efforts have resulted in one of the largest research groups in security in the world, with a historic number of PhD graduates and advanced projects.

This special issue celebrates these milestone anniversaries. Anyone who was a faculty member in COAST or CERIAS or who performed research there as a postdoc or graduate student is invited to submit a paper describing research in the focus areas of cyber security, privacy, and cybercrime investigation.


Journal of Network and Computer Applications

Special Issue on Scalable Network Infrastructures and Applications for IoT in Smart Cities

全文截稿: 2017-12-15
影响因子: 3.5
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-network-and-computer-applications
The wide adoption of networked, pervasive, and mobile computing systems gave rise to the term of “smart cities,” which nowadays must also imply the ability of sustainable city growth. The Internet-of-Things is a central enabler in this perspective, facilitated by the widespread availability of commodity low-power sensors, partially autonomous actuators and robots, smartphones, tablets, and their wireless connectivity solutions. These elements, combined with i) proper scalable network infrastructures, ii) dynamically extensible software platforms capable of integrating sensors/actuators discovered at runtime, and iii) novel applications capable of stimulating the scalable participation of high numbers of entities widespread in the city, may be utilized to address the challenges of sustainable urban environments.

For example, the extreme scalability constraints envisioned for smart city networking infrastructures, smart city distributed support platforms, and smart city applications on top, are generating challenging technical demands for ultra-low latency, massive connectivity, and high reliability, thus paving the way to the need and widespread adoption of mobile edge computing approaches. Mobile edge computing (or fog computing), in fact, is demonstrating to be able to optimize network infrastructure usage in such challenging scenarios, by dynamically exploiting virtualized resources (allocated network resources, processing functions, and storage space) at computing edges and reducing the need for interworking and continuous connectivity with the global cloud (geographically remote datacenters).

It starts to be recognized that mobile edge computing can play a central and relevant role for the scalability of network infrastructures and applications for IoT in smart cities in the near future. However, the successful employment of mobile edge computing solutions in the field still requires tackling many new and open technical issues. Only to mention some examples, in order to efficiently exploit computation and storage resources at mobile edge nodes, there is the need for joint optimization of dynamic placement of computation/storage resource (also considering stateful/stateless live migration opportunities) and cell-association with radio resource allocation. Such joint optimization should be adaptive according to time-varying environments, e.g., varying wireless channel states and dynamic computation/storage resource utilizations, in their turn depending on users’ mobility, often statistically predictable in terms of patterns that are inferred based on “big monitoring data” originated by the smart city .

In this special issue, articles regarding the use of technologies, methodologies, and applications for scalable smart cities based on the integration of IoT devices and mobile edge computing approaches are invited. Authors are encouraged to submit articles that describe original research and present results that advance the state-of-the-art in the field,

by fueling more related efforts in the future, as well as survey/tutorial manuscripts.

Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following ones:

- Scalable network infrastructures for smart cities

- IoT architectures, protocols, and algorithms in smart cities

- Enabling technologies for IoT-cloud integration in smart cities

- Ubiquitous sensing and actuation in smart cities, under latency and scalability constraints

- Edge-to-cloud protocols and network architectures for mobile edge computing

- QoE and QoS provisioning in scalable smart city applications

- Crowdsensing and crowdsourcing for scalable IoT in smart cities

- Virtualization and network slicing for mobile edge computing

- Location and sizing of computation and storage elements for mobile edge computing

- 5G/LTE/WiFi-enabled mobile edge computing for scalable IoT

- Real-time online stream processing of IoT datasources for smart cities

- Mobile edge computing for distributed big data analytics

- Smart cities data storage, ownership, and access methods

- Scalable smart city applications for sustainable eco-cities (for environmentally friendly transportation, waste management, eco-friendly buildings, etc.)

- Intelligent transportation systems and vehicular networks

- Smart sharing systems and sharing economy

- Reliability, security, safety, privacy, and trust issues


Computers & Security

Special Issue on Security and Privacy for Edge Computing: Current Progress and Future Challenge

全文截稿: 2017-12-31
影响因子: 2.849
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: B类
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-security
Edge computing is a revolutionary method to optimize cloud computing systems for tackling network bottlenecks. Its characteristic lies in that the data processing such as analytics and knowledge generation are performed at the periphery of the network, as close to the originating source as possible. Network latency can thus be improved. The communication bandwidth requirement between sensors and the data center can also be greatly reduced.

Along with the benefits brought, there are numerous challenges we should take into account, especially with respect to data security and privacy. Various scenarios are highly correlated with sensitive data usage. For example, the sensor may need to collect sensitive information from data producer for some smart services. Meanwhile, peers in the edge computing network need to cooperate with each other for some sensitive jobs without the involvement of the data center. These scenarios result in a high concern from data producers in terms of potential information leakage and misuse, which may compromise their privacy.

Meanwhile, edge computing utilizes a wide range of technologies including wireless sensor networks, mobile data acquisition, mobile signature analysis, peer-to-peer ad hoc networking, local cloud/fog computing, grid/mesh computing, dew computing, mobile edge computing, distributed data storage and retrieval, autonomic self-healing networks, augmented reality, and so on. It is not only of the great necessity but also technically challenging in applying advanced security mechanisms and/or cryptographic techniques to secure edge computing, may it be at the network architecture level, system design level, or implementation at each involved entities.

The aim of this special issue is to present advances in security and privacy enhancing technologies, and provably secure cryptographic techniques, to address such challenges in this rapidly emerging field of edge computing. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following subject categories:
- Privacy-Enhancing Cryptographic Techniques
- Authentication, auditing and accountability in Edge Computing
- Access Control Mechanisms
- Secure Data Analysis and Private Learning
- Outsourced or Verifiable Computation
- Security Model for Edge Computing
- Security Architecture for Edge Computing
- Secure Federation and Orchestration of Edge Devices
- Secure Software-Defined Networking and Virtualization for Edge computing
- Key Management for Edge Computing
- Security in Content Delivery
- Security in Crowdsourcing
- Security in Grid Computing
- Security in the Internet of Things
- Security in Location Services
- Security in Pervasive Systems
- Sensor Network Security
- Trust Management and Reputation Issues
- Intrusion Detection in Edge Computing
- Cyber-Physical Security of Edge Devices
- Usable Security
- Wireless and Mobile Security
- Secure Mobile Application Development
- Mobile (Cloud) User Authentication and Authorization
- Multi-factor (Mobile) System
- Security and Privacy in Mobile Edge Computing


Future Generation Computer Systems

Special Issue on Edge of the Cloud

全文截稿: 2017-12-31
影响因子: 3.997
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/future-generation-computer-systems/
This special issue aims to draw together a number of papers which address challenges in the area of Edge or Fog computing. The inter-networking of physical devices, vehicles and buildings has led to the Internet of Things (IoT). But such cyber-physical systems need to respond in real-time and traditional Cloud computing does not support systems with such time dependency well. Time-sensitive applications are therefore moving from the centre to the edge of the cloud to avoid latency in communication. But when should a service sit on the edge of the cloud and when in the centre? How can applications be partitioned such that a time-critical part can be at the edge and time independent part in the Cloud? The decision might depend on the particular use at a particular time creating the desirability of migration and leading to a Fog of Things. Artificial intelligence or data-driven methods can be used to ascertain whether a service should sit on the edge or in the centre of the cloud and indeed whether, when and how migration should take place. Platforms and systems need to be developed to support such dynamics.

This special issue calls for papers from researchers working making inroads in this fascinating area so that we can gather together a state-of-the-art account. Research or review papers are sought. The following themes are of particular interest:

- Implementing time-critical applications in a Cloud environment

- Models of implementation for cyber-physical systems

- Conditions and systems that support dynamic migration of applications

- Trade-off between performance and energy efficiency among cloud and fog computing in complex and large applications

- New network systems or architectures for dynamic environments in fog and cloud computing

- New economic models for the configuration of cloud and fog environments

- New standards for heterogeneous communication and network

- New task and storage allocation models for cloud and fog computing

- Interesting application stories and lessons

- Service models for composing or integrating heterogeneous resources in cloud and fog

- Security models for fog computing and the Internet of Things

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Networking:IFIP International Conferences on Networking。 Explanation:国际网络会议。 Publisher:IFIP。 SIT: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/networking/index.html
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