项目名称: 移动设备定位系统中用户地理位置隐私保护研究
项目编号: No.61300235
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 华景煜
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 国内外对移动设备上用户地理位置隐私保护的研究由来已久,但绝大部分工作关注的是基于位置服务中的地理位置安全,即用户在通过定位系统获得其地理位置后在使用这些数据过程中的隐私保护,而对于本身定位过程中存在的位置泄露问题却没有研究涉及。本课题将深入分析当前移动设备上以用户为中心、以服务器为中心和基于环境指纹匹配的三类主流定位系统中存在的严重隐私泄露问题,探讨基于密码学、智能天线等软硬件技术的解决方案。对以用户为中心的系统,研究使用密码学技术来实现客户端关键耗能运算隐私保护的云端迁移;对以服务器为中心的系统,研究使用智能天线来阻止服务商在定位的同时获得用户的地理位置;对基于模式匹配的系统,设计基于同态加密技术的环境指纹隐私保护的模糊匹配算法和利用混合区技术的环境指纹隐私保护的"众包"搜集方案。本课题的完成将使移动设备用户在享受实时精确定位服务的同时,防止向包括服务商在内的任何其他人员泄露其地理位置。
中文关键词: 定位系统;地理位置隐私;移动设备;;
英文摘要: Although the world-wide research on location privacy protection on mobile devices can be dated back to a long time ago, most of the existing works focus on the location protection in those so-called location-based services, i.e., they aim to prevent the user location from being disclosed while the user is making use of this information after he obtains it through some localization system. No work pays attention to the problem of location disclosure in the initial localization phase. In this research, we will analyze the serious privacy concerns exsiting in the three kinds of prevailing localization systems including those user-centric, those server-centric and those based on the match of ambience fingerprints, and propose effective countermeasures based on techniques including Cryptograph, smart antenna, etc. Specifically, for the user-centric system, we will study the using of Cryptograph techniques to move energy-intensive computations from the mobile terminal to the cloud in a privacy-preserving way. For the server-centric system, we will study the exploiting of smart antenna to prevent the server provider from easily learning the location of a user during the localization. For the system based on the fingerprint match, we will study the using of Homomorphic-Encryption technique to implement a privacy-preserv
英文关键词: localization system;location privacy;mobile device;;