项目名称: 鱼菜共生系统中氧化亚氮的释放特征及产生机制研究
项目编号: No.21307076
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 环境科学、安全科学
项目作者: 胡振
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 鱼菜共生系统被认为是21世纪的"无废化"产业之一,是农渔业未来发展的一大趋势。但是,目前对其氮的迁移转化规律,特别是氧化亚氮(N2O)释放情况的研究较少。N2O是一种重要的温室气体,它既有产生温室效应的作用,又可以破坏臭氧层。本项目拟通过模拟实验,研究鱼菜共生系统N2O的空间和时间释放规律;利用稳定同位素15N示踪技术,解析鱼菜共生系统中氮的迁移转化过程,明确氮在系统内的分布特征;采用构建克隆文库、反转录PCR和荧光定量PCR 等分子生物学方法,掌握该系统中与N2O 产生过程相关的微生物类群特征,通过研究系统中微生物的类群特征与其系统功能的相关性,揭示N2O 产生的微生物机制;最终,从系统设计、工艺优化、微生物群落调控等角度,优化鱼菜共生系统氮的迁移转化过程,控制其N2O的释放。本项目的开展能够为鱼菜共生系统的优化设计与运行提供理论指导,减少其对周围环境的影响。
中文关键词: 鱼菜共生系统;氧化亚氮;氮的迁移转化;优化控制;反硝化过程
英文摘要: Aquaponics is one of the "zero waste" industry in the 21st century, and is considered to be one of the major trends for the future development of agriculture and aquaculture. However, to date, very few studies have been focused on the nitrogen transformations in aquaponic system, especially its nitrous oxide (N2O) emission. N2O is an important greenhouse gas, and despite of its high global warming potential, it also destroys the ozonosphere. The proposed project will investigate the spatial and temporal variation of N2O emission from aquaponic system. Stable isotopes 15N will be used to study the nitrogen transformations in aquaponic system and the distributions of nitrogen input will be identified. Molecular biology techniques, such as 16S rDNA clone library, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and real-time quantitative PCR, will be used to investigate the community composition and abundance of microbes in the system, and the mechanisms of N2O production will be revealed based on the correlation between the variation of microbial abundance, community composition, and system functions. In the end, attempts to control N2O emission from aquaponic system will be conducted through system design, operation optimization or microbial regulation. The successful completion of the proposed project will provid
英文关键词: Aquaponics;Nitrous oxide;Nitrogen transformation;Optimized control;Denitrification