项目名称: 基于三维数字化的应力裂缝组合形态基础研究
项目编号: No.51474038
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 卢渊
作者单位: 成都理工大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 随着油气工业向着边际、深层、致密等油气层开发的进程,对储层改造技术研究提出了更高的要求。改造后裂缝形态及其导流能力的精确刻画是有效改造各类储层的研究基础。基于三维数字化的应力裂缝组合形态基础问题提出为定量化研究裂缝三维形态、裂缝面吻合度、复杂载荷裂缝面形组合及对裂缝导流能力影响提供理论基础。改进三维裂缝形态激光扫描实验平台及结果分析方法,定量描述裂缝形态三维数字化特征参数。结合细观力学、断裂力学等力学理论,分析应力作用裂缝表面变形及吻合度特征,在获取岩石力学参数和三维数字化面形特征参数基础上,建立起加载裂缝组合形态特征及裂缝宽度变化的数学模型。应用离散元数值模拟仿真以及裂缝导流能力实验仪对加载岩石裂缝宽度变化的规律进行验核,运用仿真和实验结果对加载裂缝组合形态数学模型进行改进。研究成果能为加载裂隙岩体变形等提供参考依据,也可望为油气储层压裂改造工艺的改进、促进低效油气开发带来深远影响。
中文关键词: 三维数字化;裂缝形态;吻合度;滑移;导流能力
英文摘要: Along with the development of oil and gas in marginal, deep and tight reservoir, Higher requests are being make in the study of hydraulic fracturing. The study of Stress fracture combination model based on the 3D digital is the technical basis to quantitative research of fracture morphology, the matching of fracture, complex fracture combination space and the influence of flow conductivity. Improving 3D laser scanning fracture experiment platform and analysis method to obtain 3D digital characteristic parameters by research. Group in microscopic mechanics, fracture mechanics and other mechanics theory to analysis of the stress fracture surface deformation and the characteristics of matching. Based on the mechanics parameters of rock and characteristic parameters of 3D digital fracture surface, to establish stress fracture combination space characteristics model. Application of discrete element numerical simulation and experimental apparatus of fracture flow conductivity to verify the change rule of fracture width, using simulation and experimental results to improve the stress fracture combined space model. The research results could be used for study fractured rock mass deformation, and also make a a far-reaching influence of the development of oil and gas.
英文关键词: 3D digital;fracture morphology;anastomose;slip;fracture conductivity