项目名称: 具有可用性的量子公钥加密系统关键问题研究
项目编号: No.61502048
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 郑世慧
作者单位: 北京邮电大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 量子公钥加密是量子计算机时代公钥密码的发展方向之一,具有重要的理论研究价值和广阔的应用前景。因量子的物理特性而无法直接使用经典公钥密码的方法和技术,致使该方向研究进展缓慢,至今成果很少且缺乏系统的理论框架。本课题拟从量子公钥加密系统的理论框架入手,围绕密码系统的实际可用性,展开量子公钥加密的安全模型与效率评价指标研究;并尝试利用测不准原理等特性构造量子公钥加密方案。此外,绕开构造量子态认证方案的困难性,借鉴安全与效率折中思想,研究可用的量子公钥管理方案。通过本课题的研究,拟形成较为完整的量子公钥加密系统框架:提出涵盖目前已知攻击的、层次化的安全模型,以及能够准确反映方案能耗的效率评价体系;并提出在上述安全模型下证明安全的、高效率的量子公钥加密方案;同时提出可信中心负载较轻的量子态公钥管理方案。本课题的研究成果将有望为量子公钥加密体制走向实用奠定理论基础。
中文关键词: 公钥密码学;量子密码;量子公钥加密;量子公钥管理;保密性
英文摘要: Quantum public key cryptosystem is one of the directions of development of public key cryptosystem in the era of quantum. So it has an important theoretical research value and broad application prospects. Since the method and technology of classical public key cryptography cannot be used directly because of quantum physical properties, the progress of QPKC is slow. There are few achievements and the system lacks theoretical framework so far. This topic focuses on the theoretical framework of quantum public key encryption system with availability. Firstly, the security model and efficiency evaluation factors of quantum public key encryption are studied. And then, we try to design quantum public key encryption schemes by taking advantage of features such as the uncertainty principle. Avoiding the quantum state authentication scheme design, which is too difficult, we discuss the quantum public key management scheme using the ideas of compromise between security and efficiency. We want to form a complete quantum public key encryption system framework after the research. First of all, a hierarchical security model covering all known attacks and an efficiency evaluation system accurately reflecting the energy consumption are put forward. Then, quantum public key encryption schemes, which are efficient and proven to be secure under the above security model, are presented. At the same time, quantum state public key management schemes in which the trusted center has lighter overload are given. This research topic is expected to lay a theoretical foundation for the practical quantum public key encryption system.
英文关键词: public key cryptography;quantum cryptography;quantum public key encryption;quantum public key management;confidentiality