项目名称: 面向ICN的可扩展命名数据路由机理研究
项目编号: No.61202457
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 张宇
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 本项目面向未来ICN(Information-Centric Networking, 信息中心网络)体系结构,针对庞大的位置无关数据命名空间所引发的命名数据路由可扩展性问题,提出一整套路由框架方案:首先,在命名空间上,针对海量命名空间与有限路由存储空间之间的矛盾,提出一种基于度量空间嵌入的几何与随机游走路由算法;接着,在网络拓扑上,针对数据命名的位置无关性与数据路由对位置的依赖性之间的矛盾,提出一种基于名字无关紧凑路由方案与分布式哈希表的分布式路由协议;最后,为同时满足规模与性能可扩展性,提出一种基于命名空间分配与拓扑控制的双层路由融合技术,从而实现高效、可扩展命名数据路由。
中文关键词: 未来网络;信息中心网络;命名数据路由;可扩展性;路径延展度
英文摘要: This proposal is oriented to the scalability problem of named data routing due to the massive location-independent namespace in Information-Centric Networking, a candidate for future Internet architecture. We propose a suit of routing schemes: first, aiming at the contradiction between massive namespace and limited router storage, we propose a geometric routing algorithm based on geometric embedding and random walking in the namespace; then, to cope with the contradiction between the location independence of data naming and the location dependence of data routing, we propose a distributed routing protocol based on name-independent compact routing scheme and distributed hash table; last, to fulfill the requirement for the scalability of both size and performance, we propose a technique for fusing routing mechanisms over double layers based on the namespace assignment and topological control. Our proposal is expected to achieve both efficient and scalable named data routing.
英文关键词: Future internet;Information-centric networking;named data routing;scalability;path stretch