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2018 年 7 月 13 日 Call4Papers

ICAFS 2018

International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science

全文截稿: 2018-09-15
开会时间: 2018-10-28
会议难度: ★
会议地点: Istanbul, Turkey
The 2018 International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science (ICAFS2018), co-organized by Asia-Pacific Association of Science, Engineering and Technology, Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute and Celal Bayar University, will be held in Istanbul, Turkey during October 28-30, 2018.

It has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of agricultural and food science. A focus will be given on:
1. Agronomy, Agriculture and Plant Biotechnology;
2. Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary and Livestock Science;
3. Aquiculture, Fishery and Marine Biotechnology;
4. Forestry Science and Wood Research;
5. Food Science;
6. Agriculture Sustainable, Resources & Environment;
7. Related Engineering, Economic & Management, etc.

The aim of the conference is to provide worldwide specialists, scholars, and researchers that are engaged in related filed a chance to exchange the latest research results and advances, study the latest technology and establish international friendship.


IMSA 2018

Water Distribution and Management in Agriculture

全文截稿: 2018-09-15
开会时间: 2018-11-14
会议难度: ★★
会议地点: Bologna, Italy
Water is vital for ensuring food security to the world population, and agriculture is the biggest consumer. In order to address IoT based methods and approaches for smart water management in irrigation, EU and Brazil are funding SWAMP (Smart Water Management Platform - http://swamp-project.org/), a research and innovation project of the Horizon 2020 Framework with pilots in Italy, Spain and Brazil. SWAMP partners organize this Workshop with the aim of bringing together people interested to discuss and enlighten the challenges, the opportunities and the long term ambitions of agriculture digitalization. IMSA18 is addressed to researchers and stakeholders of this multidisciplinary domain.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following subject areas:
-Platforms, tools and apps in smart agriculture
-Flying and ground sensors&actuators in smart agriculture
-Drones based monitoring and control in agriculture
-IoT based solutions for precision irrigation
-IoT based solutions for water distribution in agriculture
-Big-data based learning in agriculture
-Smart agriculture and climate change
-Business models for IoT in agriculture
-Challenges, opportunities and threads in smart agriculture


Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Call for Abstracts: “Networks and networking: Collaborative work, innovation and far-reaching approaches to multiple sustainability challenges”

摘要截稿: 2018-08-05
全文截稿: 2018-12-22
影响因子: 4.186
  • 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
  • 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
  • 小类 : 绿色可持续发展技术 - 3区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/current-opinion-in-environmental-sustainability
What is the interplay between identifying and addressing complex sustainability issues and the mechanisms that facilitate collaborations at local/ regional /international and or inter to transdisciplinary levels? This COSUST Open Issue is focused on how networking has facilitated changes in the way we organize ourselves for knowledge sharing and generation and how this affects the way we think, analyze, and the solutions we propose to complex environmental sustainability problems. Since at least the early 1970’s, international research networks, intergovernmental platforms, and local-international alliances have contributed to shape how scientific knowledge is developed, distributed, and put into practice to influence change in policy and practice. Increasingly, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations along with change in funding models, the emergence of big data, the rise of the internet, a variety of web-based interaction mechanisms including the role of social media are transforming how people communicate, interact, and problem solve. This effect on the environmental sustainability research and problem framing has been equally profound, as reflected in concepts and analytical approaches behind earth systems sciences, Anthropocene, social-ecological systems, , complex adaptive systems and system transitions, connectivity and nexus, multi-level governance, commodity chains and assemblages, telecoupling and teleconnections, and a range of others.

In this Open Issue, we would like to invite abstracts discussing the emergence of collaborative research-practice networks and how they help to advance understanding and solutions to complex sustainability problems. We look forward to receiving manuscript proposals that address one or more of the following issues:

- How have interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science been driven by and or lead to the rise of local to international research networks in a variety of application areas within environmental sustainability?

- How have research networks fostered or constrained the development of new knowledge generation? In what ways have networks and networking contributed to the emergence of new types of conceptual framings and collection of data types and their integration to address sustainability issues?

- Have international networks allowed for greater research capacity among researchers in the Global South and greater Global South and North research collaboration?

- How have research networks fostered or constrained gender equity in research, the co-production of knowledge and elevation of indigenous and local knowledge in the research literature?

- How have research networks contributed to the role of science in policy and society as a whole?

- How has the emergence of global wide environmental sustainability challenges influenced the way research on environmental sustainability at regional, national, and local scales is advanced?

- How have networks fostered or constrained the research community’s response to key international science questions including biodiversity loss, disaster risk reduction, climate change, and urbanization especially in the context of big data/big science and the links between the physical sciences and social sciences and other disciplinary pursuits.

- What is the connection between funding models, institutional support and the structure, extent/scale of networking and interlinkages between research networks? How does this influence the type, quality, and robustness of knowledge created? How have networks affected the possibility of breakthrough new science?

We are especially interested in analytical and integrative assessment-oriented manuscripts. Those including authors from the Global South are particularly encouraged to submit. Articles simply reviewing and summarizing the work and activities of one organization or group is not a key focus on the Open Issue.



Special issue on Plant invasions: mechanisms, impacts and management

全文截稿: 2019-01-31
影响因子: 1.365
  • 大类 : 生物 - 4区
  • 小类 : 生态学 - 4区
  • 小类 : 植物科学 - 4区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/flora
Biological invasions have increased drastically over the past few decades, representing one of the most serious environmental risks worldwide. The establishment of alien invasive species produces catastrophic impacts on genes, species, populations, communities and ecosystems. In addition to great ecological damages, biological invasions have a remarkable economic costs derived from management policies. The study of biological invasions is a rapidly evolving field in modern ecology. Two core questions in this reseach area are to eluciate why some species become invasive while others do not and why some communities are prone to biologial invasions. Another important line is the study of the impacts of biological invasions on the stability and functioning of local communities. Also, a crucial aspect is devising efficient strategies to control biological invasions and restore invaded areas, including prevention, erradication and monitoring programmes. Papers in this Special Issue will cover a wide range of topics on plant invasions, and can be grouped into three categories: (i) mechanims underlying plant invasiveness and community invasivibility, (ii) impacts of plant invasions on local ecosystems, and (iii) management strategies for plant invasions. Original research, review or opinion articles are accepted. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed.


Remote Sensing of Environment

Integration of Space and in-Situ techniques: a new Paradigm for the Monitoring and Surveillance

全文截稿: 2019-01-31
影响因子: 6.457
  • 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 1区
  • 小类 : 环境科学 - 1区
  • 小类 : 成像科学与照相技术 - 1区
  • 小类 : 遥感 - 1区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/remote-sensing-of-environment
To-date, there is a large effort in integrating data from different sensors, as testified by the European Union flagship programs as Copernicus, where one of the pillars is the integration of the information from satellite platforms with the one provided by in-situ systems on the ground, air and sea (Sensor Synergy).

In this scenario, one the main scientific challenges regards the “integration” of the data from satellite and airborne with ground-based measurements; the necessity of this integration is largely claimed in several scientific and technological fields, but we are at a first stage for this challenge and it is still necessary a significant effort in designing effective integration strategies (data fusion, data correlation, joint inverse modeling).

Such a scientific challenge also passes through the development of new observational modalities for local monitoring exploiting new sensor concepts as well as state of art and novel observational platforms (UAV, drones, distributed sensing), with the final aim to enable an effective monitoring.

These concepts have wide spectra of fields of applications for monitoring in environment, water resource management, marine ecosystems, agriculture, civil infrastructures and built environment, cultural heritage, urban planning, geo-hazards and disaster management, security, just to quote several examples. The SI includes but it is not limited to:

- Satellite and ground-based Earth Observation techniques for a wide area surveillance of environment and territory;

- Airborne and UAV remote sensing for a flexible monitoring at different spatial scales;

- Integration of Earth Observation and in-situ sensing techniques for high-resolution monitoring at site scale (geophysics, embedded sensors, optic based sensors, hyperspectral and multispectral sensors,);

- Data correlation/fusion/integration approaches exploiting satellite and airborne data;

- Field study cases and innovative operational services based on the integration of in-situ and space data.

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