2018年11月29日,一年一度的清华大学西门子日如约而至。作为西门子与清华大学的最新合作内容,“西门子中国奖学金”签约仪式正式举行。“西门子中国奖学金”由西门子中国研究院出资设立,用于支持优秀的国际学生到清华大学攻读博士学位。清华大学副校长郑力、西门子大中华区执行总裁兼清华大学公管学院客座教授赫尔曼(Lothar Hermann)、西门子高校合作总裁娜塔莎·埃克特(Natascha Eckert)博士、西门子中国研究院院长朱骁洵博士、清华大学科研院院长方红卫、研究生院副院长张伟以及西门子各业务集团的相关负责人、研究人员、清华师生等约100人出席本次活动。
仪式上,研究生院副院长张伟与西门子中国研究院研发部总经理孟彼得(Peter Mertens)博士分别代表双方签署了“西门子中国奖学金”协议。清华大学副校长郑力、科研院院长方红卫、科研院海外部主任马军、研究生院奖助管理办公室主任李泽芳,西门子大中华区首席执行官赫尔曼、西门子高校合作总裁娜塔莎·埃克特博士、西门子中国研究院院长朱骁洵博士、西门子中国研究院商务总监黄薇等见证了签约。
Brief Introduction
of Siemens China Scholarship
The Siemens China Scholarship is a full scholarship offered by Siemens Ltd., China to support outstanding international students to pursue Ph.D. degrees at Tsinghua University. The Scholarship recipients will cooperate with Siemens in 12 fields, such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Autonomous Robotics, etc. to conduct research in the Ph.D. stage. Through the study and practice in the forefront of industrial technology development, Scholarship recipients will lay the foundation for the growth of innovative talents in the industry.
With high standard financial support, offering “Tsinghua academic life” + “Siemens career path” to empower the recipients’ competence.
Providing opportunities for global talents to participate not only in academic research but also in cutting-edge industrial research projects.
Further stimulating a long-term planning of collaboration road map between selected research groups from Siemens & Tsinghua.
Leveraging Siemens Global University Network for global engagement and recruitment of top talents worldwidely.
Scan for further information about the Siemens China Scholarship