Workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems
全文截稿: 2019-06-21
开会时间: 2019-10-01
会议难度: ★★
会议地点: Lyon, France
The 1st workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems (DRSS’19) will take place on October 1, 2019, in Lyon, France and is co-located with SRDS 2019.
Storage systems are the cornerstone for a wide range of applications focusing distinct fields, such as cloud and high-performance computing, machine learning, deep learning, transactional and analytical processing, data science, among others. Each field has very specific needs in terms of performance, scalability, dependability and security, which raises the need for a new generation of non-monolithic, configurable and scenario-driven distributed and reliable storage solutions.
The DRSS workshop aims at bringing together specialists across the world to solve these new challenges and help building a better understanding about the new directions on storage systems research.
International Journal of Fatigue
Special issue --Fatigue of railway structures and rolling stock
With the rapid development of railway industry, especially the high speed railway, more and more challenges on the safety and reliability of critical structures, products and components arise, among which fatigue is the primary issue. During service, the infrastructures and rolling stock suffer extremely complex cyclic loading, which can lead to a series of fatigue problems. Some of these problems seriously threaten the railway operation safety and can even cause the loss of life and property. Though great efforts have been made by researchers from all over the world, there are still quite a lot of challenges and uncertainties particularly when developing the next generation high-speed transportation system.
This special issue intends to collect papers authored by researchers and practitioners on the fatigue of railway rolling stock and basic structures, and papers related to high speed railway are most welcome. Expected papers should cover the fatigue issues occurred in various types of railway vehicles or components such as wheel, axle, bogie frame, and vehicle and those infrastructure such as bridge, viaduct, tunnel, and track. The topics include, but are not limited to, experimental, analytical or theoretical, and computational researches on:
1. Failure mechanisms, crack initiation and growth in railway materials
2. Probabilistic fatigue assessment of railway materials and structures
3. Strengthening technologies on fatigue of railway materials and structures
4. Modeling the fatigue process into railway vehicle engineering
5. Fatigue performance and its degradation of railway structures and components
6. Fatigue assessment and anti-fatigue design of railway vehicle and infrastructure
7. Fatigue performance test identification and approval of key components
CRoNe 2019
Congress on Robotics and Neuroscience
摘要截稿: 2019-06-14
全文截稿: 2019-08-02
开会时间: 2019-10-09
会议难度: ★★
会议地点: Valparaiso, Chile
Our main goal is to become a world-wide-known point of meeting for students, academics and professionals in the subjects of robotics and neuroscience, exhibiting the most exciting and innovative state of the arts in these areas. Our mission is to consolidate a non-profit event with the purpose of spreading the R&D on robotics and neuroscience, allowing national students to establish links and a early feedback in their works from world-known speakers.