- 3x faster convolutions in Theano – Sander Dieleman
- Linear and logistic regression in Theano · mlampros
- Theano Tutorials
- 如何评价 Theano? - 知乎
- Windows 64位下Theano新Gpu Backend的安装方法(原创)
- The fastest convolutions in Theano with meta-optimization
- mac终端安装theano出错,不知道该怎么办呢? - 知乎
- 如何看待Theano宣布终止开发 ? - 知乎
- 运行一段神经网络python代码,报错Cannot convert Type...
- Keras,Theano,pytorch...
- Theano Tutorials
- Even faster convolutions in Theano using FFTs
- Install TensorFlow, Theano, Keras on Windows 10 with...
- Dropout with Theano – Rishabh Shukla
- Symbolic computing and deep learning tutorial with...
- Theano Tutorials
- Theano笔记——1.入门
- 搭建了theano/keras,试跑mnist,在cpu下没问题,在GPU...
- Theano调试技巧
- theano中的scan