- Kinect 2 for Windows - Hands On Lab 1
- Kinect 2 for Windows - Introduction
- Kinect 2 for Windows - Hands On Lab 14
- Kinect 2 for Windows - Hands On Lab 10
- PDF.js viewer
- jeapostrophe.github.io/home/static/2016F-CS301.pdf
- 波克城市 – browse images
- rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/files/git_cheat_sheet.pdf
- Kinect - Windows app development
- Kinect for Xbox One | Xbox
- SANGAM | How does the Kinect Work?
- three.js - kinect
- Kinect Sensor
- Kinect GAMES List (Xbox 360) | Best list, all games included
- Kinect 2 для Windows – эволюция бесконтактного...
- Kinect - Wikipedia
- PImage (grayscale) from the kinect IR camera.
- Kinect - это... Что такое Kinect?
- Kinect 2 for Windows - Hands On Lab 5
- Kinect — Википедия