iOS 8 提供的应用间和应用跟系统的功能交互特性。
  • Today (iOS and OS X): widgets for the Today view of Notification Center
  • Share (iOS and OS X): post content to web services or share content with others
  • Actions (iOS and OS X): app extensions to view or manipulate inside another app
  • Photo Editing (iOS): edit a photo or video in Apple's Photos app with extensions from a third-party apps
  • Finder Sync (OS X): remote file storage in the Finder with support for Finder content annotation
  • Storage Provider (iOS): an interface between files inside an app and other apps on a user's device
  • Custom Keyboard (iOS): system-wide alternative keyboards

Source: iOS 8 Extensions: Apple’s Plan for a Powerful App Ecosystem
0+阅读 · 2024年12月30日
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