Google Assistant是一款语音助手,2016年05月19日在谷歌I/O大会上由谷歌推出。
  1. Bringing Artsy to Google Assistant "Home" with Actions
  2. Hello world Google Home – froger_mcs dev blog – Coding...
  3. GAS: Google Assistant Server
  4. Building Google Actions with Java – froger_mcs dev blog...
  5. Google Cloud Tutorial Part 2 (with GPUs)
  6. AppDaemon Tutorial - Home Assistant 中文网
  7. Google Maps V2 with ActionBarSherlock | Directions API call
  8. Tutorial: Neural Machine Translation - seq2seq
  9. Elm Google Map
  10. IntelliJ IDEA Google Cloud Debugger Tutorial
  11. Tutorials — Shaka Packager documentation
  12. My Google Search History – Tutorial · Lisa Charlotte Rost
  13. FlatBuffers: Tutorial
  14. Google Cloud Tutorial
  15. DRM — Shaka Packager documentation
  16. Google Assistant | 9to5Google
  17. 8 things you didn't know you could do with Google Assistant
  18. 32 Best Things Google Assistant Can Do
  19. Google Assistant - Wikipedia
  20. Google Assistant Compatible Products - CNET