Demis Hassabis FRSA is a British artificial intelligence researcher, neuroscientist, computer game designer, entrepreneur, and world-class games player.
  1. Distributed TensorFlow
  2. 美国的计算神经科学博士生活是什么样的? - 知乎
  3. 【前沿】深度学习顶会 ICLR 2018 匿名提交论文列表(附pdf...
  4. One-Page AlphaGo -- 10分钟看懂AlphaGo的核心算法
  5. 你给哪些牛人发过邮件? 有哪些结果? - 知乎
  6. 哈萨比斯首次解读AlphaZero竟被当场diss,然后他起身当面回击
  7. Offer选择, 帝国理工高级计算科学,UCL...
  8. Dependency parsing for Japanese using CaboCha
  9. 2014reading weibo信息轨迹6 neural science | tonyskywalker
  10. What is deep learing? - TonyDeep’s Research Blog
  11. Demis Hassabis: mindful infrastructures and re-concatenated...
  12. Psychlab: A Psychology Laboratory for Deep Reinforcement...
  13. Dealing with Feedback
  14. What is deep learning?
  15. Making sense of NIPS 2017
  16. 63 人赞了 【精选干货】 2017年12月份机器学习排名前10...
  17. Basic Readings · Deep Learning 2Read
  18. AlphaGo 代表的是英国吗? 为什么不是 Google...
  19. Using Keras and Deep Q-Network to Play FlappyBird | Ben Lau
  20. Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge