CarPlay 可以让司机在驾车的时候安全使用 iPhone. 第一批合作车厂有法拉利、梅赛德斯奔驰、沃尔沃,后续还有宝马汽车、福特、通用、本田、现代、捷豹、起亚、三菱、尼桑、标致雪铁龙、斯巴鲁、铃木和丰田。CarPlay 仅支持 Lightning 接口的设备。 > Available on select new cars in 2014, CarPlay takes the things you want to do with your iPhone while driving and puts them on your car’s built-in display. Now you have a smarter, safer way to make calls, get directions, or play music from your iPhone while in the car. Just plug in your iPhone and go.

1. Apple - CarPlay
2. Apple - Press Info
3. Apple (中国)

Volvo 提供的一个演示视频:


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