- Publications
- 10 Papers from ICML and CVPR
- SINGH | Research Intern, Microsoft Research, Redmond
- icml2017-rlworkshop by rllabmcgill
- 2018 Conference
- DeepStruct-CFP
- International Conference on Machine Learning - Wikipedia
- VGML workshop @ICML2017 (Sydney)
- zhihu.com/lives
- 【深度学习入门书】 Hands-On Machine Learning with...
- zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/28037164
- 神经网络有什么理论支持
- Data Science with R&Python
- Lean
- 史上最全Quant资源整理
- Yale University STAT 365/665: Data Mining and Machine...
- 机器学习(machine learning...
- 有研究强化学习方向的大神嘛? 关于multi-agent和inverse RL...
- ICML 2017上哪些论文值得关注? - 知乎
- 深度学习资源汇总