Alphago 背后的DeepMind 团队今天被授予马文·明斯基(Marvin Minsky)奖,此奖由IJCAI颁发给在人工智能领域的杰出成就。
评语“AlphaGo在两年内达到的成绩令人震惊。现在,AlphaGoZero是我们最强版本,提高了计算效率,并且没有使用到任何人类围棋数据,”AI科技大本营援引AlphaGo之父、DeepMind联合创始人兼CEO 戴密斯·哈萨比斯(Demis Hassabis)的话说到,“最终,我们想要利用它的算法突破,去帮助解决各种紧迫的现实世界问题,如蛋白质折叠或设计新材料。如果可以在这些问题上取得进展,那么它就有潜力推动人们理解生命,并以积极的方式影响我们的生活。”
在获得此奖过后,deepmind CEO Demis Hassabis表示:“被授予文•明斯基(MarvinMinsky)奖对我们来说是一种莫大的荣誉,我们期望Alphago背后的技术的成功仅仅是个开始,这些技术将被应用到其它的伟大挑战中,比如研发药物中”
Marvin Minsky 奖是为了纪念人工智能的先驱之一MarvinMinsky教授,他和麦卡锡(J. McCarthy)一起在1956 年发起"达特茅斯会议"并提出人工智能(artificialintelli- gence)概念的计算机科学家马文.明斯基 (Marvin Lee Minsky) 被授予了1969年度图灵奖。这是第一位获此殊荣的人工智能学者。 1956 年达特茅斯会议的发端也被认为是人工智能元年,MarvinMinsky也被称为人工智能之父。
IJCAI (https://www.ijcai.org) is the non-profit scientific organisation responsible for organising the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - the oldest established international conference on AI, running regularly since 1969. As well as organising the conference annually, the IJCAI organisation presents a series of highly prestigious AI awards, and funds a programme of international activities to support the promotion and dissemination of AI research.
MARVIN MINSKY (1927-2016) was one of the founders of the field of artificial intelligence. Minsky made fundamental contributions to a range of topics in artificial intelligence and computer science. He was a co-founder of MIT's Computer Science and AI Laboratory, and served on the faculty of MIT for more than half a century, in that time supervising many PhD students who also went on to be leaders in AI and computer science. He was the recipient of many prizes and awards in his lifetime, including the Japan Prize, the IJCAI Research Excellence Award, and, in 1969, the ACM Turing Award - the greatest honour that can be bestowed upon a computer scientist.
DEEPMIND (http://deepmind.com) is a world leader in artificial intelligence research and its application for positive impact. It is on a mission to push the boundaries of AI, developing programs that can learn to solve any complex problem without needing to be taught how. It was founded in London in 2010 by Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman and Shane Legg. Having been acquired by Google in 2014, it is now part of the Alphabet group. It continues to be based in London, alongside some of the country's leading academic, cultural and scientific organisations in the King's Cross Knowledge Quarter.
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