CMU 邢波教授2019春季《概率图模型》课程开讲,带你学习PGM(含讲义PPT及视频)

【导读】如何在不确定性情况下进行推理,是很多应用面临的问题。卡内基梅隆大学邢波老师一直从事概率图模型的研究,最近他新设2019年新的《概率图模型》(Probabilistic Graphical Models)课程,是系统性学习PGM 非常好的资料。


邢波(Eric Xing)是卡耐基梅隆大学教授,曾于2014年担任国际机器学习大会(ICML)主席。主要研究兴趣集中在机器学习和统计学习方法论及理论的发展,和大规模计算系统和架构的开发。他创办了Petuum 公司,这是一家专注于人工智能和机器学习的解决方案研发的公司,腾讯曾投资了这家公司。






Module 1: Introduction, Representation, and Exact Inference

  • Introduction to GM 

  • Representation: Directed GMs (BNs) 

  • Representation: Undirected GMs (MRFs) 

  • Exact inference 
    - Elimination 
    - Message passing 
    - Sum product algorith

  • Parameter learning in fully observable Bayesian Networks 
    - Generalized Linear Models (GLIMs) 
    - Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) 
    - Markov Models

  • Parameter Learning of partially observed BN 
    - Mixture models 
    - Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) 
    - The EM algorithm 

  • Parameter learning in fully observable Markov networks (CRF) 

  • Causal discovery and inference 

  • Gaussian graphical models, Ising model, Modeling networks 

  • Sequential models 
    - Discrete Hidden State (HMM vs. CRF) 
    - Continuous Hidden State (Kalman Filter) 

Module 2: Approximate Inference

  • Approximate Inference: Mean Field (MF) and loopy Belief Propagation (BP) approximations 

  • Theory of Variational Inference: Inner and Outer Approximations 

  • Approximate Inference: Monte Carlo and Sequential Monte Carlo methods 

  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo 
    - Metropolis-Hastings 
    - Hamiltonian Monte Carlo 
    - Langevin Dynamics 

    Module 3: Deep Learning & Generative Models

  • Statistical and Algorithmic Foundations of Deep Learning 
    - Insight into DL 
    - Connections to GM 

  • Building blocks of DL 
    - RNN and LSTM 
    - CNN, Transformers 
    - Attention mechanisms 
    - (Case studies in NLP) 

  • Deep generative models (part 1): 
    Overview of advances and theoretical basis of deep generative models
    - Wake sleep algorithm 
    - Variational autoencoders 
    - Generative adversarial networks 

  • Deep generative models (part 2) 
    - Variational Autoencoders (VAE) 
    - Normalizing Flows 
    - Inverse Autoregressive Flows 
    - GANs and Implicit Models 

  • A unified view of deep generative models
    - New formulations of deep generative models 
    - Symmetric modeling of latent and visible variables 
    - Evaluation of Deep Generative Models

Module 4: Reinforcement Learning & Control Through Inference in GM

  • Sequential decision making (part 1): The framework 
    - Brief introduction to reinforcement learning (RL) 
    - Connections to GM: RL and control as inference 

  • Sequential decision making (part 2): The algorithms 
    - Maximum entropy RL and inverse RL 
    - Max-entropy policy gradient algorithms 
    - Soft Q-learning algorithms 
    - Some open questions/challenges 
    - Applications/case studies (games, robotics, etc.) 

Module 5: Nonparametric methods

  • Bayesian non-parameterics 
    - Dirichlet process (DP) 
    - Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) 
    - Chinese Restaurant Process (CRP) 
    - Indian Buffet Process (IBP) 

  • Gaussian processes (GPs) and elements of meta-learning 
    - GPs and (deep) kernel learning 
    - Meta-learning formulation as learning a process 
    - Hypernetworks and contextual networks 
    - Neural processes (NPs) as an approximation to GPs 

  • Regularized Bayesian GMs (structured sparsiry, diversity, etc.) 

  • Elements of Spectral & Kernel GMs 

    Module 6: Modular and scalable algorithms and systems

  • Automated black-box variational inference and elements of probabilistic programming 

  • Scalable algorithms and systems for learning, inference, and prediction 

  • Industialization of AI: standards, modules, building-blocks, and platform 




  • 后台回复“PGM2019” 就可以获取本文的下载链接~ 

  • 专知《深度学习:算法到实战》2019年全部完成欢迎扫码报名学习!


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